Congrats & Welcome to Greenhouse, Donny Martin

Greenhouse Project welcomes Donny Martin, a Delaware native, to our pastoral staff. After giving his life to Jesus at 19, Donny traveled west to attend Bible College where he met his wife Rachelle. His passion is to see lives transformed by God’s living Word and engaged in discipleship and kingdom building. Donny loves rock climbing, camping and fixing home exteriors for fun.

Donny’s official role is Assistant Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship. His focus will be community outreach development and relationship building. Greenhouse Project outreach events enable our staff and volunteer teams to simultaneously connect with our community and apply discipleship principles we’ve studied at our home church during gatherings like cookouts, kids’ basketball games, and corner gospel events.

God made a way for us to regularly distribute food to those in need this past year, as well as host community clean ups, evangelize our city with prayer and gospel sharing. With Donny on board, we will be able to grow these initiatives and double down on discipleship.  

Part of the Greenhouse vision is to raise up and train the next generation of leaders. Donny was part of the first meeting we had to officially launch. Later that year I have the privilege to marry Donny and Rachelle. Over the last two and half years I’ve seen Donny grow into a passionate Bible teacher with compassion for broken, hurting people. 

God showed me He was calling Donny to be a Pastor, and we celebrated that calling a few weeks ago with his ordination service. Donny’s ordination day was a celebration and fulfillment of what God has been revealing about my journey with Greenhouse Project. 

To be transparent, in ordination we are confirming the work God has already been doing in the life of a Pastor. Donny has already been operating in his pastoral gifts; we simply confirmed the principles laid out in Scripture are alive in Donny’s life as a dedicated follower of Jesus.  

I am so grateful for Donny and his contributions so far, and can’t wait to see how God uses him next. Congratulations and welcome!


Our Church is small (it's in our home) but we are mighty! Every Sunday at 2pm people gather, eat, pray, worship and teach the Word of God. But we don't stop there. Those that walk with us join into discipleship where we seek unbroken fellowship with God. And out of that radical love, we share the gospel with the lost and baptize new believers. 

We have been praying for spaces to go and preach in boldness. We are also looking for leaders to train and launch Greenhouse’s in other areas of the city and state. All of this out of a home, on a block on East 23rd Street in Chester.

Want to join our church?
Want to serve with worship, children, or media?
Want to launch a church?

Donny and I would love to meet with you for coffee.