The Drive-By

Since moving into the 42 house, God has used our ministry to impact neighbors. But nothing surprised us more than this next story. 

Over this first year of ministry, we have been intentional about getting into the streets to pray, meet people and invite neighbors to an event or for dinner. We have met great people, made friends, and love our community. But sometimes I wonder if we are really making an impact.

Back in December, we held a celebration with our team while hosting church at our house. While outside, bringing in the food we had delivered, I heard a car stop and beep. A woman yelled from her car, “Hey, is this the Greenhouse?” Surprised, I said, “Heck yeah, come on in.” 

This new friend came in, sat by the door, explaining she couldn’t stay long. We had over 20 people in our house eating, drinking and celebrating but this woman didn't come for any of those things. As she started to cry, she said, “I'm here for prayer and help.“ 

She wanted to know more about Jesus, she wanted to learn more about the Bible, she wanted prayer, she wanted her sick husband to be healed…. She wanted Jesus!!  She was broken by pain and broken by sickness but knew that if she could come and see us, that maybe, just maybe, she could connect with God. 

What started as a “drive-by” hello ended with us praying together, seeking Jesus for help. After that she got up and went on her way. 

See, what I didn't know is that our new friend lives a few blocks from us, she came to our house because we came to hers. During one of our outreaches we knocked on her door to pray for her and her family.

God has called us to be the sower of the seed and to depend on him to do the growth. Our ministry job is to keep praying, keep sharing and to be there whenever someone needs support. Once people know we actually really care, that we are really committed, then they will show up.  We must never give up seeking to reach people, you might be surprised at what God will do!