Our Community Garden: Growing More Than Food

When we share about Greenhouse, typically the first question asked is, “What do you grow?” The answer this season is evolving because not only do we help people grow, but now we are actually growing fruits, vegetables and flowers! Our Community Garden project has been in the works for many months, and here we are making it official.

Part of our long term vision is to establish long-term, community-based ministry as we live in the neighborhoods we serve. Our commitment is to develop authentic relationships with neighbors and become an accessible place of hope and renewal.

Hope starts with being and sharing the change we know is possible, and this Community Garden has already been a testimony to that. It began with a generous couple inviting us to build a garden on their front yard just around the block. YES – our giant raised garden beds are on a neighbor’s front yard. This is intentional: we want to be seen and make it easy for our community to be involved.

As Chester residents ask about the garden, we are excited to see how God builds up those that want to volunteer to maintain it and become champions for fresh, local grown foods. We pray it becomes more than just growing and eating fresh food (although that is an amazing benefit). The Community Garden represents a bit of that new life we’ve been focused on during Easter, a place of hope and health. It’s a hands-on, shared experience as neighbors take ownership of the gardening. It’s a place of connection with our team and new friends, and another way we can help renew this part of Chester in a practical way.

HAVE THAT GREEN THUMB? We’d love your help at the Garden!
To learn how to get involved, email us at info@ghproject.org