Winter Coat & Shoe Drive

Here at Greenhouse Project, we yearn to take care of our neighbors in need and help to make their lives easier. There are many things that most of us just take for granted in everyday life, such as coats and shoes for these cold winter days. But not everyone has access to some things that we consider to be essentials, to some people, those things are a luxury. We love our city, and we have a responsibility to make sure our children are warm and safe throughout the year.

Local Families Brave Freezing Temps to Receive Coats & Shoes

On January 21st, one of the coldest days of the year so far, Greenhouse Project staff and volunteers gathered together to distribute coats and shoes to the youth of our under-recoursed neighbors. Thanks to the generous support from Rafferty Subaru and Operation Warm, despite having to wait in line in below-freezing temperatures, over 80 families received these essential winter items. 

The weekend before the drive, there was a big winter storm, and we weren't sure if we would still be able to hold the event. However, we knew we had to open, after all, what’s a better time than the coldest day of the year to give the kids in our neighborhood coats and shoes to help them stay warm?

Our Sponsors

We are very grateful to our sponsors for the Coat & Shoe Drive, Rafferty Subaru and Operation Warm! Bob Rafferty said, “I’m thankful that our company is in a position to give back and help the local community. Greenhouse Project’s mission is one we can get behind”. He said that being there on-site to help with the drive also sends a positive message to his staff. “It’s easy in my position to write a check, but I prefer to be here on the front lines, volunteering time and giving to others in person”.

Operation Warm is a great organization whose mission is to “provide warmth, confidence, and hope through basic need programs that connect under-resourced children to community resources they need to thrive”. Their tagline is ‘more than a coat’, which for them means, “that the coats and shoes we provide don’t just provide physical warmth, but also emotional warmth, the confidence to socialize and succeed, and hope of a brighter future”. 

Learn more about what Operation Warm does here!

Meet One Of Our Neighbors: Jasmine

Jasmine, a single mother and a regular at our weekly food outreach, says that this drive was a much-needed blessing for her and her family. She said, “As a single mom with several kids who works hard to provide, this act of kindness means so much. These coats and shoes mean one less thing I have to stress about.” That is what it is all about for us here at Greenhouse Project, taking care of people like Jasmine and her family and showing them the love of Christ. Jasmine said that it’s a blessing to have Greenhouse Project on the block, and thanked all of the donors for their help, “This is what it is to take care of God’s children”.

We are so grateful to everyone who came out to the drive and helped us distribute these coats and shoes for the children of our community. If you would like to help us reach people in need, we have many volunteer opportunities available! And check out the article that the Delco Times wrote about the drive (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page at the link here)!


Kevin Joyce: A Heart for Serving


16 year Old Girl Shot on New Years Eve