Generosity is a State of Heart


“Is $3,750 a year, for twenty years, a good investment for souls to be saved and families transformed?” A friend posed this question after I asked for input on raising $75,000 to renovate our new ministry house. The answer? An easy yes. 

Our capital campaign, New Home Fund, has been running strong since early April raising funds for renovations of a new ministry house, our second location. We are nearing our $75K goal, promised to be doubled with a matching challenge fund, and praying for families to recognize the impact of their generosity. Giving to this one-time campaign is giving a gift of new life to someone you may never meet.

This second location–the 912House–is the outcome of a generosity story. A family who believes in our mission and impact literally donated a house and the New Home Fund is building the support to renovate it so our impact can go twice as far.

Several years ago God gave me a dream so outrageous it could only come from him. It came from a place of holy discontent to launch five ministry houses in the most challenged neighborhoods in Chester. Renewal in this rough city could actually happen if we started small by nurturing the neighbors 2 or 3 blocks around our house into a family. To simply be intentional with and be a help to those often overlooked. 

As God brought our dream into reality, He brought people that would bless us in a way only God can do. It made me ask, why? Why would people, business, friends, families and churches take a step of faith and support a tiny ministry in Chester? To be honest there are hundreds of stories to tell of how God has generously provided since we launched, but here are two.

My Pastor Bob Guaglione and the ccdelco family have been foundational. Pastor Bob believed in our ministry so much he brought me onto his church staff to give the space and time needed to launch Greenhouse Project. To give wings to the dream and go! What blew my mind was the church blessed us with seed money to buy the 42House and gave us the ability to raise ministry support. I know in my heart Greenhouse Project wouldn’t be where it is today without the pivotal support of my ccdelco home church family.

The next generosity highlight is Pastor Eric Kohler from ValleyPoint Church. I had met Pastor Eric while working at Cityteam, and quickly saw his leadership abilities. As we became friends, he shared insights on launching and leading ministry teams. One lunch meeting Eric asked if Greenhouse Project would be one of their end-of-year ministry partners. 

I had no idea what would happen next.  

Eric explained that ValleyPoint chose our ministry as a local parter for their year-end giving. They passed along a portion of the abundant gifts their congregation raised. WOW! Most people who gave have never met me, nor visited, only through a short video and interview. God stirred people to believe that He was doing something special in Chester. It was because of that partnership that we were able to go full time, using our home and family to serve our community in Chester. 

Think about this: people we never meet are used by God to give generously and impact people that they will never meet, until we get to heaven. Giving helps expand the Kingdom of God! What if you knew that you could really impact individuals and families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Would you take a step of faith? 

Generosity is a state of heart. We rest in the knowledge that God is the provider of all things. Confident in His provision, we can give freely and liberally. We are generous, because God has been and continues to be generous with us. 

We are grateful for each individual, family, business and church that has financially partnered with Greenhouse Project. Because of you, we are able to impact our community with the Gospel, discipleship, after school learning, mentoring, mobile food support, and various community projects. 

CLICK HERE to watch the video and learn more about the NEW HOME FUND. 

If you have any questions, or would like to tour the new house and meet with me for coffee, please call at 610.874.2753 or email