Our Friends Moved Up

The generosity of our time can change lives.

From the moments we remodeled our 42House to the plans we have to grow Greenhouse Project, the heart of how we operate is showing up and loving people generously with our time. Back in 2018 our home projects became a point of connection with neighbors as they stopped to ask what was going on. One lady asked if we were making apartments, another person asked if we were going to be slumlords… most people just asked, “Why are you fixing up that old house?

Those same neighbors eventually became like family to us over shared meals, play time with kids, shared struggles and tons of laughing. We’ve helped those around us navigate everything from drug addiction, interventions, abuse and even death. But no matter what happens, our neighbors know that we will be here to pray, support and help walk through any situation. Just read our two years of blog news.

Having Max really opened our eyes to how many kids are in our community, just by walking around the block. Hang time on our from porch became a daily rhythm, drawing us in to the lives of our neighbors. We listened as they shared they wanted clean streets, better child education, and most importantly, to feel safe at on our street.

So we prayed, and prayed for God to guide us.

We started with basketball courts, not because I have a cool vision, but because a guy in our church said he could donate a few. It brought kids and their parents together around a positive, healthy activity, connecting us with conversations that went late into the night. The idea for our Homework Club came from this season. To start small, with around six elementary kids, and God provided volunteers to serve and lead the children.

Not only did our relationships deepen with kids, but also the parents. One Mom cried when we shared that our donors (who we called Angels) bought their entire family Christmas gifts, and I mean a LOT of gifts. Another Mom gave her life to Jesus and we prayed laying on the floor.

All of those highlights have been powerful to me and my friends… my neighbors.

But life brings change, and it’s bittersweet to share our after school families have “moved up” to better places. We were so sad, yet happy for them. One family moved to New Jersey and another to Florida. I received a text with pictures of palm trees, nice playground and a new apartment.

Moving up is a blessing for our friends. It means a safer community, better schools and new opportunities for life. In the celebration is some heartbreak, too. Max even cried when they left.

I'm reminded that God gives us people in our lives for a moment, a season or a lifetime. We have so many stories of fun activities at the club and kids hearing and singing about Jesus. We will stay connected, but we are also praying for the next families that God will bring us.

We trust God that however long He has our neighbors in our life, the intention behind connecting well and the open generosity of our time together has the power to help us all move up. To build faith, to show us new things about ourselves, and to learn how Jesus sees us all as His children.