101+ Men & Women Find Hope
James Salvey (pictured in back with arms raised) is Director of Operations for Paramount Recovery House and has been a loyal partner with Greenhouse Project since 2020.
At one point I believed it was a dead end for James after 5 attempts at the Cityteam long term recovery program.
His story reminds me so much of my own: years of addiction spiraling into hard drugs like heroin, which destroyed most of the relationships in his life. He almost died from multiple drug overdoses. Before landing in prison, he was in the pit of Kensington, Philadelphia homeless and hopeless.
You can read about how his story turned around – it’s a true representation of the Lord making beauty from ashes. The type of redemptive story that gives chills. As he experienced healing and breakthrough in his recovery work, God called James to start a recovery house in Chester along with his father, who was once a deep source of pain during the years of drug use. God turned it around so that together they could heal and help more people like them.
Paramount Recovery House has become a lifeline for addicts struggling to obtain and maintain sobriety in Chester. We could have never arranged it, but God planted the men’s house just two doors down from mine!
Paramount House has grown to multiple locations as a home-based service for men and women who, after successfully complete a drug and alcohol detox or rehab, need a structured environment conducive to sobriety until they are able to live independently.
For 2+ years, we have partnered with James and Paramount House to serve over 101 residents with free one-on-one recovery counseling and coaching. We also help families that have been affected by those in recovery, as healing for the whole family is critical to ensuring long-term change.
Beyond counseling, Paramount House residents often get tied in to many other things we host like church fellowship, discipleship groups, community clean-up, food outreach and odd jobs around our headquarters. The impact has a great “multiplier effect” as those walking in sobriety go on to positively influence those around them.
Friends, this means the story is changed for 101+ men and women as they live in committed sobriety. It means that, often for the first time, 101+ men and women have hope in Chester. This is incredible progress, and we are praying that God would double this number! Will you join us in this critical mission to help the most vulnerable in Chester?
We offer addiction recovery and life coaching with certified recovery specialists who have their own redemption stories.
We also help loved ones of addicts.
44 E 23rd Street, Chester
Click to join our Recovery Meetings via Zoom
Mondays 7PM