Q&A w/ Donny Martin: A Big Move


For over 4 years, we’ve dreamt and prayed of planting multiple Greenhouses in Chester and God has opened the door! The opportunity to go from one location to two only happens… well, one time. And we are thrilled to share our new ministry home, called the 912House, was a donation from a generous family that has a heart to see Chester transformed. God has called a special couple to move in and serve the area as Greenhouse leaders.

I sat with Donny Martin this week to ask him to about the calling God has placed on his and his wife’s life. Here’s what I learned…

Donny, you joined Greenhouse Project staff in April 2021. Give a quick intro to you and your wife Rachelle.

My wife Rachelle and I have been married two years… you probably remember that since you married us. We met in Bible college and became friends, then decided to start dating when we were living 2000 miles apart (I don’t always have the best plan, but thankfully God does). When Rachelle moved here we threw ourselves right into marriage and ministry, we met with you and you gave us your vision for Greenhouse and asked us to sit under you to be raised up as a Pastor. With Rachelle’s support, I’ve been doing that for three years, until I was brought on staff as Assistant Pastor in Spring 2021. Rachelle is also finishing challenging clinicals for nursing school.

you and Rachelle have taken a step of faith to move into our new ministry house, the “912 House.” Tell us what God has been doing.

Sometimes I have no idea and I think I’m just along for the ride. I grew up in Wilmington, DE and really didn’t have a desire to return to an urban area. When I was in California for school, I couldn’t imagine coming back to a place like Chester, but God had other ideas! Rach and I enjoy being in the mountains and deserts, but God has given us a love for the people here. As far as the new ministry house goes, the Greenhouse team didn’t really think we’d be getting another house so soon. We were about to board a plane to Utah when you forwarded a text from the donor telling us he had dropped off the keys and the house was ours! Immediately we felt like we were going to move in, but we had questions about taking this step. It’s a big deal to set down roots in a certain community and commit to this new level of ministry.

how has GOD provided in the process of becoming a full-time minister in Chester? 

Working and getting Rach through school has been a challenge, but definitely no large task to God. Getting back to school this fall was looking tough, and we had big decisions to make. We weren’t sure how we would make this semester happen, but at the last minute, about two weeks ago we received a scholarship that paid for most of Rachelle’s schooling for the next two semesters, which was followed last week by $400.00 in credits towards books she will need. The Lord has been good, not just because He can provide for us in big ways, but we see in the process of getting into full time ministry, God is good because He is in it with us. It’s not really about how we will do ministry, but who we serve and who it is that gives the power to serve, the joy is His presence in all of it.

Final question: what prayer requests do you have?

The biggest prayer Rach and I have is that our ministry at the 912House would be fruitful. The neighborhood is really rough. Our future home is surrounded by abandoned, trashed houses. We want to be a blessing to the community and most importantly bring the gospel in its fullness to this part of Chester and watch it transform lives. A prayer we had months ago was that we would find a Christian in our neighborhood that we could have fellowship with and to advocate for us, as it turns out our next door neighbors are a Christian couple that are well connected in the community. The Lord has already answered prayers and I know he will continue to, so we covet your support in prayer.

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As a self-funded non-profit ministry, Greenhouse Project relies on loyal supporters like you who desire to bring life transformation to the underserved in Chester.

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