Top 3 Truths About Recovery


Recovery matters. 

In a city where heavy drug and alcohol addiction are part of the norm, sobriety can seem like an impossibility. Thanks to your support, Chester residents are receiving life-saving healing through our free addiction recovery services. Over 42 clients have gotten sober so far this year because of your giving. Incredible! 

Our recovery program is gospel-centered and raw, full of both “big ups” and major relapses. To be honest, the reality of the recovery process is often messy and heart breaking. As we share more on how our addiction recovery model works in the coming weeks, be encouraged knowing you make a real-time, direct impact for our clients. You are part of a life change story.

To kick things off, here are some truths about recovery…


TRUTH #1 - The people who achieve long term sobriety have the same desperation as someone drowning.

In all my 14+ years of coaching and addiction recovery counseling for thousands of individuals across all walks of life–people from different backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, religions, and zip codes–this one thing is true of them all. Those who successfully reach lasting sobriety understand that the recovery process is, quite literally, a matter of life and death. They are willing to do the hard work and fight to survive.

TRUTH #2 - Recovery must first and foremost be chosen by the individual themselves.

The majority of people in recovery will relapse at least once, falling back into harmful patterns of addiction. A relapse doesn’t mean the individual won’t be able to achieve long term recovery at a later time, it’s simply a moment of choosing addiction over sobriety. It's heartbreaking.

Recently, a man I coached for over a year at Greenhouse Project relapsed. It was bad. We live a few doors down from our recovery house partner and have a very close relationship with those living there. This allowed us to have good lines of communication with calls and text messages about this man. Within a few weeks, he lost his relationship, his job, his residence, and his friend community. We did all we could to encourage him to turn away from drugs and get into a treatment facility, but to no avail. He did schedule a recovery meeting with me, but he didn’t show.

Eventually, he called to let me know he had surrendered: he was going into treatment. When we spoke, he was in tears overwhelmed with shame, guilt, and fear. He wanted to know if we could continue to work together after he completed treatment. This might be the hardest part of leading recovery work… it simply isn’t possible to make anyone change. The addict must want to recover.

TRUTH #3 - Lifelong relationships between mentors and recovered individuals makes for lifelong sobriety.

When someone leaves a life of addiction, it really is like a restart. There’s no going back to that corner you used to score drugs at, or those “friends” who were suppliers. There’s a lot of upheaval and change in the journey to getting clean. The importance of a support system built on healthy relationships, trust and a real understanding of the challenges is critical to a successful recovery story.

When we partner with individuals at Greenhouse, the commitment is for life. At any time, they have the ability to reach out for help or guidance and we are there to support them. This is the commitment my mentors and friends have shared with me, and it has made all of the difference in my life. It’s a lifeline we are intentional about giving to others.


Every $100 raised provides 1 month of counseling for 3 clients!

Greenhouse addiction recovery sessions happen right out of our home, the "42 house." Consider donating today to help bring lasting, life-saving sobriety to the next struggling neighbor who walks through our doors. Thank you, from all of us at Greenhouse Project!!