Our new ministry house needs your help.

Greenhouse Project remains committed to changing lives by living life in struggling communities to provide free addiction recovery counseling, life coaching, mobile food outreach, youth mentorship, and faith-based relationships. BIG NEWS: For the first time, we are doubling in size! Donny Martin, Associate Pastor and Ministry Director, and his wife Rachelle are leading our second ministry house located in the West Side of Chester, one of the most dangerous areas of PA. They are a young family committed to sharing the gospel–no matter the cost–already changing lives through our programs.

This house is a complete renovation project.

We have work to do. This one-time New Home Fund campaign is raising $75,000 for building materials, labor costs, and related expenses. Thanks to a generous matching challenge grant, each donation will be DOUBLED up to $75,000. Your gift will be put to work immediately as 100% of contributions go directly to making this rundown house a “home” for hurting families who need the hope of new life through our long-term, relational programs.

God has saved us to send us, and we are going.
The opportunity to make an impact–together–is right now.

Thank you for your generous support!

Give above and beyond to these New Home Fund projects.

Can’t give all at once? Select ‘Recurring Giving’ on next page to break a large donation into monthly giving.
To set up another type of plan for large donations, email John Clifford today!